promoswiss 1 - Switzerland: Growth for promotional productsCH – Whereas the overall advertising turnover has stagnated on the Swiss market, the expenditure for promotional products rose by 8.6% in 2023. Swiss companies spent around 875 million Swiss Francs (approx. 892 mil. Euros) on promotional products in 2023. Based on the recently published business report of the Swiss Statistics Office, the Swiss association, PromoSwiss, announced that haptic advertising recorded the strongest growth compared to all other advertising disciplines. It has been possible to view these figures free of charge on the foundation’s website since May 6, 2024.

Overall, according to the statistics, the upwards trend in the revenue of Swiss advertising companies has come to a standstill. The Swiss Statistics Office recorded a very low growth rate for the year 2023. The net advertising turnovers amount to 4.2 billion Swiss Francs in total (approx. 4.28 billion Euros). The foundation stated that the weak development of the advertising turnovers also corresponds to the conservative economic growth in general. In spite of this, a few media genres were able to increase their turnovers compared to 2022. For example Radio (+0.4%), Online excl. foreign platforms (+1.8%), Cinema (+6%), Outdoor Advertising (+8%) and above all Promotional Products (+8.6%) recorded a growth in turnover. The turnovers of Print (–3.2%), Direct Advertising (–5.8%) and TV (–7.3%) on the other hand registered negative growth.

Promotional Products, Direct Advertising and Print were the media genres that yielded the highest advertising turnovers in 2023 and still hold the highest market shares for advertising expenditure in Switzerland. TV and Online also continue to attain high shares of the measurable revenues. However, in the case of Online Advertising, the revenue of the global technology platforms is not taken into account, because they do not submit their figures to the advertising statistics. In order to close this gap, a well-founded expert estimation was carried out last year. The estimated turnover made by YouTube, search engine advertising and social media, which is almost exclusively earned by foreign companies, amounts to 2.24 billion Swiss Francs in total (approx. 2.29 billion Euros). Hence, the foreign advertising platforms are still earning the lion’s share of the Swiss advertising pie, which grew by a further 8% compared to the previous year, according to the assessment of the experts.

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