EU – After celebrating its premiere at the PSI Show in Düsseldorf in January 2024, the MoPA (Museum of Promotional Articles), the exhibition about the history of haptic advertising, which was initiated and put into practice by Cybergroup International, is touring through Europe. The first leg of the tour after the PSI already took the MoPA to the WCCB in Bonn for the HAPTICA® live on March 13, where the exhibition also caused a stir, especially among the visitors from the advertising industry, who viewed the exhibits for the first time and were able to take advantage of the opportunity to take part in a guided tour by the CEO of Cybergroup, Steven Baumgaertner. As Baumgaertner now announced, the MoPA is also going to be on display at the Supplierdays in Houten, the Netherlands on September 4 and 5, 2024. A further exhibition date is also planned for 2025 in Paris.

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The MoPA graphically depicts the century-old history of the promotional product. Based on more than 200 elaborately curated exhibits and texts that have been compiled with great love for detail, the visitors learn astounding facts about the milestones of haptic advertising.

Photos: Mischa Delbrouck, © WA Media

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