A – This year’s traditional summer meeting of the Association of Austrian Promotional Products Distributors (VÖW) was staged in Pielachtal, Lower Austria. At the General Meeting that preceded the summer get-together on June 14th, the VÖW President, Klaus Pohn, gave a review of the years 2022 and 2023 and presented the future strategy that aims to ensure the positive further development of the association. Furthermore, the current board members were confirmed in their positions for a further two years. “We thank you for the trust that the members place in us and will continue to do everything in our power to strengthen our association and also the industry as a whole for the coming challenges,” stated Pohn. According to the association these include the new supply chain law, the implementation of compliance measures, the lack of skilled workers and the organic certification that has become necessary in Austria for promotional products distributors that supply organic products. The VÖW also reported about the lecture it held in front of more than 100 international students at the Vienna University of Economics at the end of March, which highlighted the relevance and fields of applications of haptic advertising.

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The new, “old” management team of the des VÖW (f.t.l.): Gerhard Mittermaier (Vice President), Klaus Pohn (President), Roman Klucsarits (Association Secretary) and Stefan Radlgruber (Finance Officer).

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VÖW Supplier Partner of the Year is New Wave Austria GmbH from Erl in the Tirol. F.t.l.: Klaus Pohn, Roman Klucsarits, Karin Ruhsam and Wolfgang Mayerl (both from New Wave) as well as Stefan Radlgruber.

Then, according to official accounts, on June 15, around 90 VÖW members, distributors and supplier partners took advantage of the opportunity to inform themselves about the latest products and customising methods on the market and discuss the most important industry developments. The theme sustainability was particularly present at the stands of the 29 exhibitors. There was also plenty of fun factor elements. For example, several distributors and suppliers took part in the tongue in cheek “Alpine Olympics” on the first day of the show, which among others involved the participants taking part in group cross-country skiing, potato sack throwing and the milking of an artificial cow competition.

The VÖW Summer Meeting was brought to a close with the elections of the Supplier Partner of the Year at the Village Festival on the evening of the second day of the event. The company New Wave Austria won the award.

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Intensive discussions about the latest product developments characterised the VÖW show.


Photo source: fuchs-video&photography

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