Druck Medien Awards Silber 2021 01 - Two distinctions for Karl Knauer

The two Managing Directors, Stefanie Wieckenberg and Michael Deronja, were delighted to receive their certificates.

D – Karl Knauer was nominated in no less than four categories of this year’s Druck&Medien (Print&Media) Award. During the award ceremony in Berlin at the beginning of November the packaging and promotional products specialist was ultimately able to secure itself two second places and thus a silver certificate as Training Establishment of the Year and Packaging Printer of the Year. The family company located in the Black Forest is thus still considered to be one of the top industry companies.

“We are delighted that we were able to convince the jury,” explained Stefanie Wieckenberg, Managing Director of Karl Knauer. “When one talks about sustainability, it is generally speaking about environmental aspects and the responsible handling of resources. For us as a family company the absolute priority lies on the people, together with and for whom we would like to constructively shape the future, which namely begins with an apprenticeship that enables our young employees to contribute towards the society with their knowledge and talents.”

The Druck&Medien (Print&Media) Award is considered to be a coveted distinction within the German printing and media economy and was conferred for the 17th time this year.


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