FB square 1024x1024 2 - Sprout World: B Corp-certifiedDK – Sprout Europe is B Corp-certified with immediate effect. The non-profit making organisation B Lab distinguishes companies for their social, ecological and economical working methods with the international certificate Benefit Corporation, B Corp, for short. Worldwide around 5,000 companies carry the seal. Michael Stausholm, founder and CEO of SproutWorld, about the certification: “The process contributed towards assessing all aspects of our company and ensuring that we haven’t missed anything important. It shows what we are good at, but also where we can still improve. We are very proud that we are now a member of the B Corp community and can thus make a clear statement against greenwashing and at the same time increase our credibility regarding sustainability in all areas. The CEO explained the idea behind the plantable pencil Sprout, which forms part of the Danish company’s product range: “We believe that even small innovations stimulate the change towards more sustainability. Our motivation is to make acting sustainably manageable and tangible for everyone. We do this by thinking over everyday products and making them more sustainable using simple, innovative solutions. Because we are convinced that there is no better way of communicating one’s support for sustainability than to use simple products that trigger off a green transformation.”


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