Schneider GBA 2022 2 550x367 - Schneider distinguished with German Brand AwardD – Schneider Schreibgeräte was distinguished with the German Brand Award 2022 in the category “Excellent Brands” on June 9, 2022 for its outstanding brand work for the Makers Line. The individual sub-brand in self-made look is the result of joint brand strategic considerations, which emerged in collaboration with the Munich based brand agency, Schmelter Brand Design. The writing specialists stated that although its affiliation to the umbrella brand is unmistakable, the Makers Line remains independent. An own web portal, Maker stories, campaigns as well as advertising the Makers Line across various social channels support the POS sales in the communication.

Companies, agencies, service providers and marketeers as well as non-commercial and state organisations from all industries worldwide can take part in the German Brand Award. The independent, interdisciplinary panel of judges comprises of members from companies, scientific bodies, consulting companies, the service sector and agencies.


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