D/F – The Raja Group staged the Raja Group Suppliers‘ Day 2002 in Frankfurt on October 14, 2022 together with 300 of its most important European suppliers. The group that specialises in selling packaging, office supplies and industry equipment is based in France and runs among others a subsidiary in Germany.

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The most important supplier partners of Raja were informed about the development projects of the group at the event organised by Ulrick Parfum, Director of Purchasing and Product Offering, and Michael Behling, Head of Category, Commerce Platform and Data Management, together with Alain Josse and Vincent Terradot, Managing Directors Raja Office and Raja Packaging and Equipment. According to own accounts, Raja serves over two million companies of all sizes and from all industries throughout Europe.
In spite of the unfavourable economic climate, the group is looking optimistically ahead to the future: “Being a supplier of the Raja Group means building on the maximum presence of one’s products and being able to multiply one’s sales chances. It is an opportunity to create value and share the fruits of strong growth all over Europe. Last, but not least it means guaranteeing the satisfaction of our customers day for day,” explained Josse and Terradot. Ulrick Parfum and Behling added: “Our growth plans inevitably go hand in hand with the selection of the best manufacturers. We strive to work closely together with our strategic suppliers and build long-standing partnerships that are based on common values: A consistently high product quality, an excellent service as well as innovation, commitment to the environment and of course competitiveness.”


Photo source: Raja Group

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