D – The Sustainability Awards were presented on June 21, 2022 for the seventh time. The award ceremony, which was originally planned to take place at the PSI Show in Düsseldorf, was held at an own event in the Rheingoldsaal of the Rheinterrassen in Düsseldorf after the PSI Show had been cancelled until 2023 due to the pandemic.

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The PSI Sustainability Award is conferred to companies from the promotional products industry, who have excelled with special services in the areas of business and ecological efforts or through their social commitment. To sensitise the around 120 event participants for the key competence resilience, the think tank founder, Christopher Patrick Peterka, underlined the interaction between entrepreneurial resistance and sustainable development. The award winners were subsequently announced, who had been determined in advance by an international jury headed by Michael Freter. The host of the evening was Emily Whigham.

PSI Substainable Awards SustainableCompanyoftheYear Halfar kl - PSI Sustainability Awards 2022 in Düsseldorf

The two Managing Directors of Halfar, Armin Halfar and Kathrin Stühmeyer-Halfar, were delighted about their distinction as “Sustainable Company of the Year 2022”.

PSI Substainable Awards SustainableCampaign FARE kl - PSI Sustainability Awards 2022 in Düsseldorf

The prize for the “Sustainable Campaign” went to Fare and was collected by the Managing Director Volker Griesel and by the Marketing Coordinator, Sarah Vennewald.

The bag specialist from Bielefeld, Halfar, was voted “Sustainable Company of the Year 2022”. The multiple winner of the PSI Sustainability Award thus claimed the overall victory for the second time this year. The company Karl Knauer asserted itself in the two categories “Economic Excellence” and “Environmental Initiative”. Chilli Ideas was also delighted at winning two awards. The Romanian company picked up a prize in the categories “Environmental Excellence” and “Social Excellence”. The #waterSAVEchallenge campaign by Fare to increase the sales of the waterSave® umbrella models was declared as “Sustainable Campaign of the Year”. The “Sustainable Product of the Year” is the sustainably produced balloon holder, BalloonGrip® by B-Loony. The product line Crafty Figurines by the playing card factory, Spielkartenfabrik Altenburg, also won an award in this category.


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