PSI2020 01 - PSI Show 2022: New venue date in AprilD – The organisers of the PSI Show, RX Austria & Germany, are reacting to the ongoing pandemic by postponing the event. The new venue date for the leading European trade show for promotional products, which following tradition was originally scheduled at the beginning of year in 2022, is now April 26-28, 2022. As usual, the event location is the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre. “The pandemic occurrences throughout Europe are making the mid-term planning security for the trade show organisers, exhibitors and visitors very difficult,” is how Petra Lassahn, Show Director of the PSI, justified the postponement.

The in some cases strict travel restrictions and quarantine regulations are adding to the concerns about conducting international trade fairs. “Unfortunately, the PSI in Düsseldorf and its more than 350 exhibitors are also affected by this,” Lassahn commented. According to Lassahn, the postponement of the show from January 2022 to the new April date was taken in close coordination with the exhibitors and partners as well as with the promotional products distributors and consultants.

The aim is for the PSI Show to be a “big reunion after challenging times,” Lassahn said: “We know how important the trade fair format is for the approx. 6,000 PSI members.” Even through tried and tested safety and hygiene concepts have been successfully implemented at the exhibition grounds, thanks to the timely postponement of the event, the organisers RX are putting an end to the insecurity regarding the participation and travel planning. According to Lassahn, staging the show in the coming April would offer the industry the best prerequisites for a successful event with the greatest possible degree of safety.

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