The Promotional Gift Award is introducing a new feature in its 20th anniversary year, which aims to extend the radius of the famous communication prize even further: For the first time in the history of the award that is conferred by the Cologne-based publishing company, WA Media, a Public Prize will be awarded in addition to the Jury Prize. In cooperation with HAPTICA®//ONLINE – the joint project between dMAS, markeding and WA Media – the presence of the participants and the prize winners of the Promotional Gift Award 2023 will thus be even more strongly accentuated on the web. All of the entries will be briefly presented on HAPTICA®//ONLINE from October onwards. Those, who want to, can then vote for their favourites online. Participants, who want to draw their community’s attention to the voting will in this way increase the interest for their innovation and their chance at winning the Public Prize.

PGA 2022 29 - Promotional Gift Award 2023: Under starter’s orders!

Part of the jury at work at the end of 2021. This year the Public Prize will give everyone the chance to vote for their favourite online.

Of course, the core of the Promotional Gift Award – the distinction following a sophisticated procedure by a panel of experts, who have received extensive information on the entries in advance – will remain unaffected by this new feature. As in the past years, the award-winners will be selected by an independent jury of experts from the business, media and event management sectors based on a detailed points system.

The judging session will take place in mid-December, the entry deadline for the Promotional Gift Award 2023 is November 25, 2022. Advertising agencies, promoting companies, promotional products suppliers, distributors and designers are invited to submit their haptic advertising items to the competition – from give-aways to premium products and custom-made designs, through to merchandising collections – or their recent campaigns that involve the implementation of haptic advertising media.

Those who register fast reap double the benefits: On the one hand, the “September Deal” applies until the end of September (200 Euros instead of 280 Euros). On the other hand, entries submitted early have an increased chance of winning the Public Prize, because they can collect votes over a longer period of time.

All further information and the application form can be found on the website of the Promotional Gift Award.

Photo: Jasmin Oberdorfer, © WA Media

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