20 years ago WA Media, set up the Promotional Gift Award. The international communication prize has been enriching the haptic advertising market ever since – and has in the meantime already crowned hundreds of promotional products as stars.

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Products that impress: The Promotional Gift Award is being enhanced by a Public Prize for the first time.

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It is worth taking a good look at the different entries before clicking on the voting button.

To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the award, the judges of the expert jury are now going to receive mass support in searching for stars among the promotional products: For the first time ever, a Public Prize is going to enhance the “Oscars of the Industry”. The voting system is very simple: The submitted products and campaigns can be viewed at www.haptica.online, where they will be regularly enhanced by new entries. One click leads the visitors to a brief description and the voting button, where on stating their e-mail address they can place their vote for their favourites, then they can share their enthusiasm with their friends and thus attract further attention to the respective haptic advertising novelties. Interested parties can place their votes up until December 9, i.e. the date of the judging session by the expert jury.

Just like all of the other award winners, the top three Public Prize winners receive a PR packaging with a media value of over 3,000 Euros: All of the award winners will namely be presented in detail in photo and text form in the various publications of WA Media (eppi magazine, Werbeartikel Nachrichten, Promotion Products and HAPTICA®) as well as on HAPTICA®//ONLINE. What’s more, they will be showcased at the HAPTICA® live in Bonn on March 15, 2023. The winners of a Public Prize can additionally look forward to a six-month presence in the form of a supplier page on HAPTICA®//ONLINE as well as a winner’s advertisement on the respective newsfeed.

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Users can vote for their favourite product at www.haptica.online and can always see which entries currently rank under the Top 4.

The following applies for anyone submitting entries: It pays twofold to be quick off the mark. On the one hand, to profit from the cheaper participation fee up until October 31 (240 instead of 280 Euros). On the other hand, submitting entries early increases the chance of winning a Public Prize, because of the longer voting period. All further information and the application form can be found on the Promotional Gift Award website.


Photos: Bernadett Yehdou

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