PGA 2022 40 Gruppenbild - Promotional Gift Award 2022: 41 winners

The jury of the Promotional Gift Award 2022 after completion of the first hybrid judging process with some of the award-winning products (f.t.l.): Michael Mätzener (diewerbeartikel gmbh), Michael Witzorrek (Fendt), Michael Scherer (WA Media), Martin Zettl (markeding) and Jens Bräunig (VfB Stuttgart).

In the scope of a hybrid judging process, a jury comprising of five experts selected the winners of the Promotional Gift Award 2022 on December 13 and 14, 2021. 41 winners, including eleven international participants, were delighted to be distinguished with the coveted prize, which is conferred annually by WA Media. From a notebook with a cover containing a capsule full of pine seeds, through to textiles customised with individual fragrances using steam technology, from cute railway bears in upcycled conductor uniforms through to a high-tech perfume flacon with an integrated video module, from a watch made out of old ship planks through to a charity crayon set, which in addition to the standard colours also contains three crayons with six skin shades – this year’s winners of the coveted design and communication prize once again underscore the diversity of haptic advertising in an impressive way. At the same time, the prize-winning products and campaigns demonstrate that the people, who occupy themselves with haptic marketing on a day to day basis, certainly haven’t lost any of their creativity and innovative power – in spite of the huge challenges the industry is currently having to cope with, including above all the effects of the Corona pandemic and the delivery bottlenecks across the international supply chains.

PGA 2022 14 - Promotional Gift Award 2022: 41 winners

PGA 2022 11 - Promotional Gift Award 2022: 41 winners

Establishing the winners from among the 131 entries submitted by 114 companies was once again this year definitely no easy task for the five jury members. Due to the pandemic, the organisers of the award – the Cologne-based publishing company and event organiser, WA Media, adopted a hybrid judging concept and additionally followed the vaccinated or recovered and tested principle. Whilst Michael Witzorrek (Fendt), Martin Zettl (markeding) and Michael Scherer (WA Media) examined the products personally, Jens Bräunig (VfB Stuttgart) and Michael Mätzener (diewerbeartikel gmbh) participated virtually. The experts, who had already received a detailed product sheet on each entry submitted in advance, engaged in an exchange on each single potential award winner per video screen and where necessary the award project team provided them with additional information. The on-site judges filmed the products at length for those jury members who weren’t present live and answered their questions regarding the quality, haptic feel and where applicable also regarding the taste, smell or sound. Ultimately, the winners in the seven categories Give-aways, Communicative Products, Custom-made Designs, Best Practice, Merchandising, Premium Products and Customising Technologies were determined by awarding points for the criteria product idea, design and production quality, communicative potential and sustainability. Furthermore, a special prize in the rubric Packaging was presented.

The list of the winners of the Promotional Gift Award 2022 can be found here. A detailed report on the judging process and detailed information about all of the winners will be published in eppi magazine No. 143 (February 23, 2022). Last, but not least the award winners will be showcased in a separate exhibition at the HAPTICA® live ’22 on September 6, 2022 at the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB).

// Jasmin Oberdorfer

Photos: Jens Friedrich, Jasmin Oberdorfer © WA Media

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