promoswiss thun - PromoSwiss: General meeting and 40th anniversary

The 80th General Meeting of PromoSwiss took place in Thun.

CH – The PromoSwiss Association, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, organised its 80th General Meeting in CH-Thun on May 5, 2023. A review showed the members how the association of the Swiss promotional products industry has developed and which changes both the association and the industry have experienced over the course of the years.

This year the General Meeting focused on new elections and farewells. The President of the Association, Urs Germann, was unanimously re-elected, Nadine Schneider (Training and Education) and Beat Suter (Member) were also unanimously re-elected for the next term of office of two years. The Association stated that this continuity is a wonderful, valuable and positive sign.

Thomas Oester, who has already been a member of the board since 2007, announced his resignation, will however continue to be the dedicated Director of the PSF/Touch Show, which takes place every autumn in the Umwelt Arena in Spreitenbach. Ralf Schmid also stepped down after taking on additional tasks at the promotional products agency, Kaiser Promotion. He will also remain loyal to and continue supporting the PSF/Touch team.

promoswiss ina - PromoSwiss: General meeting and 40th anniversary

Ina Klingele

promoswiss rene - PromoSwiss: General meeting and 40th anniversary

René Dubach

Ina Klingele and René Dubach were both unanimously voted onto the board. They will be responsible for the marketing activities. René Dubach will also actively support the PSF/Touch team and Ina Klingele will take over the organisation of the PromoSwiss Awards.

After the General Meeting, the participants took part in a sightseeing tour of the Old Town in Thun. Then, the day was brought to a close with a joint evening meal in a pleasant atmosphere.

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