Pro Ad - Pro-Ad: 40th anniversary

Helen, Loren and Carlo Nardini (f.t.l.) proudly look back on 40 years of Pro-Ad.

UK – The promotional products agency, Pro-Ad, which specialises in merchandising and marketing, is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2022. Pro-Ad was founded by Carlo Nardini in 1982, the firm currently employs seven people and its line-up includes over 100,000 products, which can on request be sourced via distributors in Great Britain or anywhere on the globe. As such, according to own accounts, the company earns an annual turnover of 1.5 million English Pounds (around 1.74 million Euros). Pro-Ad is certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 quality management norm and among others a winner of the IPM Award & COGS Award conferred by the British trade association IPM (The Institute of Promotional Marketing). Nardini’s wife Helen and his son Loren have, in the meantime, joined the family business.

The entire Pro-Ad team is celebrating the company’s jubilee with a festive dinner and a professional product show, which is scheduled to take place in March 2023 for the first time again after four years. Furthermore, donations for regional charity organisations are being collected. “We have done a lot of things right over the last 40 years working with key clients such as ICI, British Telecom, e-on, SSE, Greggs, Newcastle University, the NHS, many local authorities and a whole portfolio of private companies. We intend to build upon that, growing the team with a new member joining next month and by supporting as many British manufacturers as we can in the industry,” Loren Nardini, the Commercial Director, reported, adding, “Having worked in the industry for my whole life and being the regional ambassador for the North East for the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA), I intend to keep driving the company forward, developing our services to clients to ensure increased customer satisfaction and ROI, focusing on quality and bespoke product design. We are currently looking to develop our software and web service to improve and increase the customer experience. Our vision continues to be the go-to supplier of creative promotional merchandise solutions that give our clients added value and high levels of customer satisfaction, fulfilling our passion to support British manufacturers wherever possible.”

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