PPAI Logo - PPAI survey: Consumers highly appreciate haptic advertisingUSA – There are countless ways of becoming the owner of a promotional product, the American industry association, PPAI (Promotional Products Association International), recently looked into this in detail in the scope of a survey. The survey, which was carried out on 5,674 participants throughout the USA and Canada, came to the conclusion that 47.2% of the consumers interviewed had already received a promotional product by mail. 45.9% had been presented with a promotional product among others in hotels, banks or restaurants. 32% had come into contact with haptic advertising on making a purchase and 28.2% through an event. 26.9% of the respondents had received surprise gifts from their employers and diverse organisations.

Writing instruments in particular are frequently implemented (72.8%), magnets (68.4%), office items (57.6%) as well as cards – including gift vouchers, membership and customer cards (53.1%). Items such as watches, wall calendars and planners (53%) as well as food and drinks including hampers, food containers and glasses (52.3%) are also still popular items implemented by promoting companies.

Almost half of the respondents stated (48.7%) that they keep promotional products longer than five years. The high utility value of the respective advertising gift (75.4%) was most frequently stated as the reason for keeping them. Further reasons were: The product reminds its owner of a particular occasion or experience (38.3%). The item had a particular fun factor (34.8%), due to its attractive design (34.1%), or the recipient of the promotional product wanted or needed the item at the moment in time it was bestowed (32.9%). Exclusively PPAI members are allowed to view the complete survey.


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