MiB und MT - Know How International: Two new shareholdersD – Know How International has set the course for the future by expanding its circle of shareholders. The company’s aim behind this move is to continue to be reliable partner for its customers and staff long-term. Moritz Thamm and Michael Baumann joined the ranks of the company’s existing shareholders Peter Baumann and Markus Bothner on July 1, 2022 and have been actively supporting them since then. The company founded in 1998, which will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2023, will thus carry on placing its know-how and competence at the disposal of its customers in the future.

Thamm brings many years of import and industry experience with him and has already been employed by Know How International since the beginning of 2020. His main area of responsibility will be sales, however he is also the contact person for production and import. In his capacity as managing partner he is familiar with all areas of the company. Baumann has been a member of the Know How team since the end of 2019 and will have completed his dual studies at the beginning of 2023. In addition to sales-related tasks he will focus on pushing the marketing and digitalisation activities forward.


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