khk ecovadis - KHK: Distinguished with platinum by EcoVadisD – KHK has received the platinum seal of EcoVadis for the second time. As such, the German cosmetics manufacturer, is according to own accounts ranks under the top 1% of the companies assessed within its industry.

EcoVadis evaluates companies according to the criteria Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Sustainable Procurement and Ethics. According to company statements, KHK achieved an excellent result in all sections. EcoVadis states that for 91% of companies and 85% of the consumers sustainability criteria play a role in the buying decisions. The objective rating of the international sustainability organisation provides a reliable basis for this.

EcoVadis has set itself the goal of promoting the environmental and social practises of companies via CSR performance monitoring and supporting companies in improving their sustainability. The EcoVadis methodology is based on a CSR analysis system, which comprises of 21 criteria from the four theme areas Environment, Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.

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