kalfany mai 2 - Kalfany Süße Werbung: New Sales Director

Christian Mai

D – The team of Kalfany Süße Werbung can rely on competent backup in the sales department since May 2023: Christian Mai was appointed as the new Sales Director at the German sweets specialist. Mai disposes of experience as a sales and marketing expert and has worked for established companies in the area of international sales, but also for start-ups. In his capacity as Sales Director at Kalfany, in addition to his management activities, he also intends to place a particular focus on the themes digitalisation and internationalisation. “On my first day, I felt a bit like one of the children in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and was totally impressed to see all that is inside the factory halls. I am very much looking forward to my new tasks and towards co-shaping the culture change of a Black Forest hidden champion together with the management and a young team of executives,” Mai reported.


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