Spenden fuer Ukraine Paletten1 - Inspirion helps with cash and in-kind donationsEU – The terrible occurrences in the Ukraine and the affliction of the people who have fled and who are still fleeing from the Ukraine have led to the desire among the management and employees of Inspirion to help in some way and offer aid fast. As such, the company organised an aid campaign involving all divisions: In the logistics department trucks and drivers were organised, the sales and warehouse departments put together picking lists, the relief goods were gathered together and packed for the transport allowing them to be distributed easily. Inspirion’s team in Germany were supported by Inspirion Hungary. In total, donations worth 5,000 Euros were collected.

The lorries arrived in the Ukraine in mid-March and the donations were handed over to the local aid organisations. The over 1,250 donated products include among others dressing materials, warm gloves and woollen hats, outdoor lamps, dynamo torches, hand warmers, power banks, thermal flasks and rucksacks.

Parallel to these donations, Inspirion Poland that is based in Trzebnica is donating money to the Polish aid organisation, Polska Akcja Humanitarna (PAH). The NGO founded in 1992 provides humanitarian aid at all levels. Inspirion Poland will transfer 1% of the net sale value of all items of different product categories sold in the period between March 8 and April 7, 2022 to the PAH. The organisation will forward on the donations collected directly to the needy in the Ukraine.


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