hl24 wiedersehenimmaerz 1 - HAPTICA® live ’24: Reunion in MarchD – The HAPTICA® live ‘23 on March 15, 2023 once again proved to be a hotspot for haptic advertising. 1,116 visitors experienced thousands of touchpoints with one of the most fascinating advertising media at the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB). In 2024, the HAPTICA® live is being staged in the spring again: On March 13, 2024 the “Experience of Haptic Advertising” is inviting all fans of haptic marketing to Bonn. As always, not only thousands of product ideas, but also many examples and ideas for the targeted implementation of give-aways, merchandise and co. await the attending marketing decision-makers and buyers.

The companies that will be represented at the WCCB on March 13, 2024 include big importers such as Macma, Makito or Reflects, the specialists from Daiber or Promodoro, Klio Eterna or CD-Lux, through to Vonmählen or mbw as well as successful brands à la Leuchtturm, Lurch or Niederegger, to mention just a few. The spectrum of product areas is already well-covered ranging from writing instruments, drinkware, textiles and bags, to notebooks, sweets and electronic devices, through to cuddly toys, flags or porcelain.

As the only trade show platform of its kind in the German-speaking zone, the “Experience of Haptic Advertising” explicitly addresses all those people, who are professionally involved with haptic advertising. Around 60%-70% of the visitors are decision-makers, executives or employees from the advertising industry. After meanwhile eleven editions, the HAPTICA® live enjoys a high standing within the industry, among all company sizes and industries, as the annual visitor statistics underline: The spectrum of visitors ranges from small and medium-sized companies through to DAX groups and hidden champions, from authorities to NGOs, from steel companies to banks, from TV channels through to healthcare specialists.

hl24 wiedersehenimmaerz 2 - HAPTICA® live ’24: Reunion in MarchIn addition to the product presentations of more than 100 exhibitors from all product areas, the supporting programme offers many further good reasons for visiting Bonn. In the course of the lecture programme, marketing professionals from famous companies give inspiring insights into their work with haptic advertising. The Best Practice Show, which presents international examples of multimedia campaigns provides practical ideas and stimuli. Details on the speakers and further programme ideas will be published soon.

The Newcomer Area for young start-ups and exciting new entrants that was introduced for the first time this year also contributes towards the experiential character of the trade fair. Here, even adept product scouts can discover ideas they are not yet familiar with. The visitors can prepare and follow-up their visit to “Experience of Haptic Advertising” using the digital portal HAPTICA®//ONLINE: All of the exhibitors present themselves prior to and during the trade show here and can be contacted for product enquiries.

Registering on HAPTICA®//ONLINE is free of charge, as is the visit to the HAPTICA® live ‘24 on March 13, 2024. It is merely necessary to pre-register via the event website.


Photos: Bernadett Yehdou

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