PK Teilnehmer vor 1001Emotion vs - GWW launches campaign for its emotion survey

The new campaign #1001Emotion was presented at a digital press conference. F.t.l.: Oliver Spitzer, Managing Partner of september Strategie & Forschung, Frank Dangmann, Chairman of GWW, Tobias Bartenbach, Board Member of Bartenbach AG, and Jürgen Geiger, Vice Chairman of GWW.

D – The German Association of Promotional Products e.V. (GWW) launched a large-scale campaign to communicate its survey on the emotional impact of promotional products with a digital press conference on August 29, 2022. At the beginning of the year, the survey that was carried out by the market research institute, september, which specialises in research into emotion, had already been published at the promotional products show, GWW-Trend. Now the very positive results for the industry are to be communicated to a wide audience of the promotional products and marketing industry, including primarily decision-makers from the industry and trade.

Frank Dangmann and Jürgen Geiger from the board of the GWW, Oliver Spitzer, Managing Partner of september Strategie & Forschung, as well as Tobias Bartenbach, board member of the agency responsible for the campaign, Bartenbach AG, presented the structure of the survey to more than 120 interested parties from the market and press, outlined the most important results and gave an insight into the communication strategy.

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48 respondents of varying gender, age and income classes received haptic promotional products in different categories – from small tokens, through to clearly branded gifts. Body signals that give precise information as to which emotions were experienced and the strength of the emotions felt were measured. In addition, 90-minute profound psychological interviews took place. The market researchers were surprised at the intensity that promotional products developed, which also totally overshadowed the results of other forms of advertising. Even a poorly chosen promotional product may waste a great deal of potential but it would still always trigger off positive feelings and couldn’t damage the customer relations. The survey also draws conclusions about the relations between people and the brand, which should be taken into consideration when selecting suitable promotional products.

The GWW will be advertising the results of the campaign, which according to own accounts is the association’s largest campaign to-date under the keyword #1001Emotion up until the end of the year. The aim is to attract awareness for the survey and thus upgrade haptic advertising in the mindset of the decision-makers.

// Mischa Delbrouck

Photo source: GWW

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