fare nachhaltig - Fare receives Ecoprofit seal

The Fare environmental team (f.t.l.): Sebastian Hahn (Merchandise Management and Logistics), Frank Schmidt (Work Safety, Fire Protection, Building and Fleet Management), Sarah Vennewald (Marketing), Maria Forte (General Services) and Annika Beyersdorff (Quality Management).

D – Fare has taken part in the Ecoprofit consulting and certification programme. After successfully passing an assessment at the end of 2021, the umbrella specialist was awarded the distinction as an Ecoprofit Company. Ecoprofit is a collaborative project that conveys information on the theme sustainability through on-site consulting, joint workshops and networking and promotes the exchange of experiences. The aim is to unite economy and ecology, save costs and thus make a positive contribution to environmental protection.

Fare has worked out its own environmental programme in the scope of the project and implemented it within a project period of 13 months in total. The Fare environmental team, which comprises of employees from different departments, was supported by consultants from Ecoprofit. The latter inspected the workflows of the umbrella specialists and trained the employees of the environmental team. The measures carried out were laid down in an environmental chronicle and the investment sum of the costs was compared to the benefits. In this way, for example, switching over to green electricity and green gas caused no costs, but the achieved savings amounted to 740 Euros and 144 t of CO2. The further measures included the creation of a sustainable procurement guideline, changing over to recycled paper that carries the “Blue Angel” environmental seal, installing water saving buttons in the washrooms, the acquisition of electric charging stations as well as the calculation of the corporate carbon footprint and the compensation of the unavoidable emissions through two different climate protection projects. The saving since the environmental programme was introduced totals 1,394 Euros, 113.4 m3 of water, 5,780 kWh of electricity and 365.1 t CO2. This success is, according to own accounts, motivating the company to further extend the environmental programme in the future.



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