martin wuerflingsdobler doppler - doppler: Co-Managing Director

Martin Würflingsdobler

D – Martin Würflingsdobler was appointed to the position of co-Managing Director at the Austrian umbrella specialist, doppler, on January 1, 2022, alongside Hermann Würflingsdobler. Martin Würflingsdobler is looking forward to carrying out this responsible task: “Our products, clients and employees are fantastic. Now the job at hand is to align the organisation and processes for the coming growth.” He will continue to act as Sales Director Individual parallel to his new function as Managing Director.

In 2022, the company intends to further push its internationalisation and employ additional distributors worldwide, who will sell doppler’s products in their capacity as general representatives. Furthermore, the umbrella specialist is continually investing in digitalisation measures and in this connection is for example rolling out its own online platform for partners. What’s more, doppler is getting ready to introduce a sustainable series of umbrellas in 2022: the “nature collection”. Moreover, in the form of the new series called “MiA” (Made in Austria) an alternative that is produced in Austria is to establish itself on the market.

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