NL – The Dutch publishing company, Het Portaal, has in the meantime been organising the Leveranciersdagen for ten years. Over this course of time, the show has progressed into becoming the leading industry event in the Netherlands. This year’s edition that was held at the Expo Houten from September 7-8, was able to reinforce this claim. According to the official figures, over 170 exhibitors and more than 1,200 visitors – the show is only open to promotional products resellers – attended over the two days of the show to establish contacts, present novelties and inspire, discuss industry trends and themes and plan future projects.

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More than 170 exhibitors took part at the De Leveranciersdagen show.

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Party mood at the PromZ Night to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Leveranciersdagen.

To commemorate the anniversary, the PromZ Night, held on the first evening of the show, was given a festive look and presented in a festival-like setting. Around 400 people celebrated the event, the industry and themselves and were present for the award ceremony of the Distributor and Supplier of the Year.

Next year, De Leveranciersdagen is being held on September 6 and 7. Prior to this, Het Portaal is staging the PromZ Product Première 2023 in the winter, namely on January 24, at the Flanders Expo in Gent (Belgium) and on January 26, at the Expo Houten.

Photo source: Het Portaal

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