D – Renewable energy, supply chain transparency and fair working conditions – Gustav Daiber GmbH is aware of its economic, ecological and social responsibility and is addressing the theme more strongly from now on after signing the WIN-Charta, the sustainability management system of the German Federal State, Baden-Württemberg. On signing the Charta, the textile company clearly commits to observing the twelve guiding principles for sustainable management and agrees to continually improve its sustainability. A significant point in achieving these aims has already taken place: Since August 2022, the main location of Daiber has been running on 100% green energy using hydropower and will according to own accounts save around 300 t of CO2 a year as a result.

Gustav Daiber GmbH Hauptstandort 1 - Daiber signs WIN-Charta

The head office of Daiber in Albstadt, Germany.

Gustav Daiber GmbH Kai Gminder Geschaftsfuhrer - Daiber signs WIN-Charta

Kai Gminder, Managing Director of Gustav Daiber GmbH.

Daiber already became a member of the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) in 2012 and thus asserts itself for fair working conditions. Furthermore, the textile specialist collaborates with the non-profit foundation myclimate and has been continually working on measures to reduce CO2 emissions by carrying out annual analyses since 2018. For example, more and more sustainable materials such as organic cotton and recycled polyester are used for the production of textiles. The company packs products of defined product groups into recycled polybags. Furthermore, Daiber produces its main catalogues climate neutrally in cooperation with ClimatePartner. An internal recycling system including a box crusher and a pool of hybrid vehicles and job bicycles also contribute towards the responsible value chain.

The Managing Director of Daiber, Kai Gminder, confirmed: “Energy and emissions, product responsibility and creating incentive for change are the focal points of the future sustainability work.” The introduction of the amfori Business Environmental Performance Initiative (BEPI) system is currently planned. The aim of the system is to document and monitor the environmental measures at Daiber in a transparent way. Hence, after critical assessment, new approaches for more product responsibility and a more responsible value chain can be worked out and put into practice.


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