ctco print versch - CTCO and C!Print Lyon rescheduledF – The CTCO and C!Print events originally planned in Lyon from 1 to 3 February 2022, have been postponed. According to 656 Éditions, the organisers of both trade shows, there are too many uncertainties due to the COVID-19 pandemic to conduct the events at the beginning of February. The CTCO is being postponed until 15 to 17 March 2022 and the C!Print Lyon, which is usually held parallel to the CTCO, has been rescheduled to take place from 10 to 12 May 2022 this year due to logistic reasons.

“This decision to postpone the show is motivated by our common desire to offer a quality event, at the right time for the industry and which takes the health context into account,” Pierre Mirlit, Managing Director of 656 Éditions, stated regarding the postponement of the CTCO that was jointly decided together with the exhibitors and partners of the event. “CTCO is also more than just a trade show,” Mirlit added. “It’s a crucial meeting place for promotional products professionals, which helps boost sales by providing new ideas and a pleasant event which the community likes to meet up at and share ideas. Moving our 2022 edition to March will allow us to keep the spirit that is ours and which everyone appreciates, exhibitors and visitors alike.”


Photo: Michael Scherer, © WA Media

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