jahresrueckblick23 - A summary of the promotional products year 2023The annual review in the current issue of eppi magazine No. 150 examines the trends, highlights and challenges of the promotional products market 2023. Furthermore, players from the European promotional products business had their say in the industry monitor 2023, giving their outlook on the industry’s current developments. Dr. Mischa Delbrouck, Publishing Manager at WA Media, the publishing house of eppi magazine, provided an analysis of the overall situation summing up the most important events of the year: “A year like a pinball game: Constantly having to react to new demands, stay flexible and, nevertheless, still do good business – that is probably the most apt description of the European promotional products market in the year 2023.“

The pages of the annual review are crammed full with information and offer a thorough overview of the themes that have occupied the promotional products world, many of which will also be relevant in the new year.

The ePaper of the issue is available online here.



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