Pinkcube Donation 580x305 - Pinkcube donates over 20,000 Euros to CliniClowns

Pinkcube donated over 20,000 Euros to CliniClowns.

NL – Pinkcube, a company that specialises in selling promotional products per e-commerce, handed over a cheque for 20,093.29 Euros to the foundation CliniClowns. The association supports the healing and convalescence process of ill people through clown doctors.

Among others, Pinkcube collects donations for the foundation with pens from its write with a smile series. One Cent is donated to CliniClowns for every pen sold. “For Pinkcube neighbourhood assistance is one of the company’s core values,” explained Liselotte Leijten, COO of Pinkcube. She continued, “The power of a smile goes beyond cheering up a child. From our own environment, we regularly hear how much impact a visit from the CliniClowns has on children as well as parents and nurses. We are grateful that we can contribute to the mission of CliniClowns in this way.”

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